Friday, January 16, 2009

all the red

I don't know what it is exactly, but everything about Chinese New Year makes me happy. From the red deco in front of everybody's houses to the daging salai stalls that magically appear this time of the year. So you can imagine how nice it is walking past a very decorated and red south lobby every day soaking up the hyped up cny atmosphere in uni. I especially like cny songs, the noisier the better. But my favourite part of cny is definitely sitting around with the whole big extended family after all the eating part is done. I love the part where everybody just lazes around and practically do nothing. Nothing beats that kinda fun, isn't it?

This following list is for people who have nothing to do while staying at cheras. (haha)

What I've learnt in the past few days

1. you can eat at the same mamak with not so clean utensils for 3 days in a row and still survive. what does not kill you only makes you stronger.

2. = partial e-commerce. (sorry, but i have to start absorbing something)

3. there is alot of noise polution involved in building a retaining wall.

4. how a piping bag really works.

5. grocery shopping is fun.

6. hannah montana is actually quite cool.

7. bakery supplies stores are one of the most aromatic and therapeutic places.

8. the very nice (and clean) uncle at the ramly burger stall opposite utar sg long makes the best ramly burger in the world (this was discovered more than a few days ago though)

9. it is impossible to find the journal articles you want.

10. it is possible, with the right precautions, to doodle right under your tutor's nose in class.


Unknown said...

Exposing yourself to bacteria and germs really do make you stronger.

Grocery shopping is fun. That's what I'll be doing tomorrow.

I dun think i've ever seen a bakery supplies store.

And finally, your post is too short. I need more entertainment.

GeeTha said...

ok doodle i know!..but is that a tree?!??! done with scissors and all?? ehehhee now that i got to say takes skill!!hehehehe....

hannah said...

hahaha now you know what i do in class;) btw i miss youuuu,haven seen u in ages

Anonymous said...

hey! hannah.. it's june here... grocery shopping is always fun... pick whatever u need and about d cny part... lol~ dun reli like festival seasons especially cny... actually i dun reli like to celebrate christmas as well... i know we are celebrating da birth of jesus but i still dun like it dunno y... wen i was small i used to LOVE christmas and cny but as i grow older i just dun like em.. dunno y

hannah said...

hi june!=) hmmmmm, don't you like the holidays that come with the festive season then?haha no school;)

Anonymous said...

yup... i love hols bt nt da festive part tho... hehe~