Friday, April 17, 2009

the little things

Wheeeee... today marks the end of week 14 = the end of first sem. Time is flying by, although it could have flew by faster past those dreadful proposal-rejected days. Yes our final proposal got rejected too, but that's all behind us now :) Nonetheless, time is passing by very very quickly. Filled up our ACCA accelerate forms today. It's scary to even think about ACCA when this degree is making us lose enough hair/eat enough chocolate sundaes. But it's exciting at the same time, every passing day we're getting closer and closer to finishing!

I can't believe it's April already! God has been really good amidst the busyness, and sometimes stress. I can't help being overwhelmed as I live each day learning more about how much He cares for the little things in my life. In all things, God definitely works for the good of those who love Him!

Now, I can go on and on, but my mom (and a whole lot of other people) likes picture-posts, so brace yourself for random shots throughout the past 4 months :)

footprints on the beach



Lifehouse-Everything cast

what hungry people do when waiting for lunch

girls preparing for Brothers' Night '09

green flower tea time

sunbathing porcupines

Audri's obsession with the fireplace

stick insect's broken leg oozing green blood

to2ugh at TTDI
Time to get into study-for-finals mode, starting on Monday that is. YayY weekends.

Friday, April 10, 2009

amazing love i know it's true

Instead of me, He took the blame, the misery
Instead of me, He suffered silent agony
And in that final breath,
He died alone, the sinner's death
Instead of me

Thank You Lord Jesus