Tuesday, April 27, 2010

colourful clay

I saw Play-Doh while in 1U the other day and it immediately brought back reminiscence of all the many playtimes with my sis when we were younger. I lovee Play-Doh! The smell, shaping the clay into our fav food (yes, we've been passionate about food since forever), the many colours! :D

That's me on the left, Sarah on the right.



Faye said...

alamak so cute! haha. dan macam copy and paste je both of you haha.

Unknown said...

Believe it or not, I've not touched play-doh before. Shocking eh? Hahahaha

ling said...

hey my sisters and i used to be into play-doh too! gosh u both look photocopied when u were younger! and those signature red lips! heheh.

i remembered we owned the McDonald's one, it's like the fastfood set where we will put the yellow clay into the lil machine that shapes it into french fries (basically strips of yellow clay). :D :D

ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Ahh.. The good ol' days of PlayDoh.. xD

I remember I mixed too many colours together and got some yucky whatchamacallit. xD

hannah said...

@faye i know. everybody (still) thinks we're twins

@fong what??? let's go get some play-doh!

@ling ohmy i always wanted that french fries machine!!!!! seriously! hahahah

@clarence mum didn't let us mix ours. we could only play one colour at a time. im sure that wouldve been fun though hehe

heart4God said...

OOohhh.... so adorable. Playing with play doh. =)