Yes that's how we felt today. Soggy. After a loong break, we climbed Broga Hill again today. And on the way down, the skies decided to open up and it poured. Big fat drops of rain soaked, drenched and froze us. We were covered with mud by the time we got to car. And the irony is, it hasn't rained here in a few long days already. But hey, it's rain, so I'm definitely not complaining. Plus we got to do some walking outside the mall. Of course, after that long wet tiring adventure, we went back home and feasted like royalties, or rather, like our usual selves :D
It's Week 13 already, the last Week 13 in Uni. Everybody in class were high/losing their minds while waiting in between classes. Finals stress, definitely. And probably more. When IF tutorial finally started, Hock Lian, always the good obedient student, sat right in front, just a few steps away from the tutor.
C'mon, at least he sat in front.