Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The sky frighteningly looked like it was about to drop right before I drove into the rain today.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Reasons why I didn't feel like going to school when I woke up this morning

1. It was 5 am.
2. Sunway is so far away from Kajang.
3. Tuesdays meant 6-hour lectures.
4. I have a sprained foot.
5. It was 5am.

The opportunity cost of missing lectures, especially on a Tuesday, plus the diminishing number of days leading to exams, is pretty large. So you can imagine my relief when I received texts from both Amelia and Fong telling me that there was a fire drill in uni today. I can barely walk to the kitchen to feed myself, what more the field?? Now, let's hope I can walk better tomorrow/let there be another fire drill tomorrow.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Sunday, March 28, 2010

my mom makes the best



I am not kidding.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

dear Lord

If there is one word to describe me recently, it would be restless. I've not been able to do any one thing long enough before my legs/hands/eyes/mind starts wandering. Let's not even start to talk about my attention span in class. :)

It seems to me, most of my time, when I'm not particularly concentrating on something, is spent wishing/hoping/dreaming of something else other than the now. There always seem to be something more that I want to do, something else I want to do differently, somewhere else I want to be. Most of my life really, feels like a series of either reminiscing about the past, or dreaming of the future. I sometimes wonder how much of me is really in the present.

I was running (or rather walking ;)) ROCK's Amazing Race last Saturday. My funny teammates and I were distracted by many things along the way ie. restaurants and MORE restaurants. We were jokingly reminding each other to keep our eyes on the race, and focus on finishing the race instead of giving in to the temptations of fried chicken/pizza.

These verses have been in my mind ever since.

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected, but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 3: 12-14)

Many recent events God has put in place, to gently nudge me back to the present world. Dreaming of being somewhere else, doing something else, in somebody else's shoe is robbing every precious moment and opportunity I have right now, right where I am. God has something special in store for me in the present.

I'm barely halfway there in life, but already all the desires/temptations/distractions seem so overwhelming, and sometimes leaving me really confused. I find comfort in the midst of all that spinning, in that small still voice, that reminds me my very existence comes from Love itself. And my purpose is beyond any great plans and ideas my meager brain can concoct for me.

Right now, and as I keep running this race called life, I'm making a conscious effort to remind myself that my identity is not found in my qualifications, not in the number of friends I have at different phases of my life, not in the need for someone special, nor it's in what was in the past, or what is in the future. It's not in what the world places value in. But that my identity is in Christ alone.

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

(Philippians 1: 6)

Teach me Lord, to be Still.
Take me deeper in Love with You.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

crunchy delights

I've been walking past Famous Amos these past few days. To cut to the chase, I've been secrectly wishing the many words on my lecture notes would turn into many more chocolate chip cookies. Last night, my dad brought home a bag of goodies. Guess what I found tucked nicely inside the treasure bag?

Note to self: Stop eating supper. Need to fit into jeans again.

Monday, March 22, 2010

even when the sky is falling

You know those days you have so much running through your head, so many things you want to say, but you just don't feel like speaking? Every word articulated seems so forced. Every conversation requires so much effort.

Those days when you feel like locking yourself in, blast the music, read a good book, put on a movie, spend some time in your own self-created sphere, mostly just isolated from everything out there.

Those days, to me, seem in a peculiar way, comforting.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

dreamy thursday

Considering our very different timetables, it's not everyday my sisters and I can find the time to go out together. So when we're all at home at the same time, the three of us go out and do something together (right after we sleep in til about noon). Today, we hunt down bargains! It was therapeutic, after all our tests/coursework/busy weekends. I mean, it's called retail therapy for a reason right? ;)

The clouds were so pretty today. We stopped by a few places. When we were getting into the car after a particular shop, our loot at the backseat amazed us at how much we bought in just a few hours! I say, that's one of the joys of having sisters. :)

Of course we had to made our tummies happy too, so we stopped by for Lecka Lecka! Yummyy.

When we got back, mum had something waiting for us.

Yup, it tastes as good as it looks. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Picture update!

Fong helping Wei Tieng get ready right before we had to go into the hall.

Purple Amelia in the library. A very loud guy couldn't keep his eyes off her. :)

Chaos in the robing room! That's 200+ BAC graduands in a very confined space.

The clear highway to uni on a Sunday morning. I like.

Rainbow at Kajang Prima after dinner. The umbrellas look so complementary!

Bubble tea with very yummy pearls at asian avenue.

Oh! And Alice in Wonderland was oddly entertaining. I never knew Wonderland was actually Underland. (:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

march madness

Sorry for the lack of updates/pictures the whole past week. And thanks for still stopping by :) The past week was all early mornings and hectic plans one after another. Extra classes, studying for tests, filling in the right forms for convocation. But really, most of my time was spent in the car. Stucked in traffic. I drove home one day after classes and only realised I was on the wrong track when I reached Cyberjaya. Yes, I use the same straight road home everyday. My mind just couldn't wait to get back to bed.

That said, I've been tired, but happy :) I come home to a nice-smelling-something-baking-in-the-oven house everyday after classes. I have funny classmates who lighten up the stress from studying crazy syllabus everyday. I have a dad who settled everything for my convocation from picking up my convo attire to paying the fees to planning family picture taking to mark the occasion. I have thoughtful friends who pray for me everytime I go for a test and make me laugh by being outright silly sometimes. I have aunties/uncles who offer to find me jobs before I even want to start working. I am beyond blessed. And that's what I tell myself, when I get up all groggy at 5 in the morning, get stucked in slow traffic all the way to sunway, get frustrated and restless in 6 hr lectures.

I have more pictures to share, but I have another test tomorrow. So til then, start counting your blessings too!


Friday, March 5, 2010

the seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake

The title is from Little Mermaid's Under the Sea, which is one of my many favourite Disney songs.

Oh! I changed the name of this page to 'little thoughts', named after my last post, because it feels more relevant and because I feel a tad less random right now. :)

I took these three pictures with my phone when we were having tea at the top of the BOH Tea Farm in Brinchang, Cameron Highlands last weekend.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

little thoughts

I love how God puts people/circumstances/surprises here and there in my everyday life to give me the simplest reasons to laugh/smile.

A continuation from Fong's theory awhile back- A friend of mine was kind enough to point out to me sometime last year,

How many times do you shower in a day?
So that means you only have 22 hours left in a day.

He is obviously an engineer who knows his math. Today, sarcasm all the way from Lawas,

Now that you've cut your hair short, how long does it take for you to shower? 59 minutes?

He knows me too well :)

Smiley pictures! (with crazy friends and some of our fav things :))

Now, the Slit Eyed Korean Series.

Vote for who looks the role the best/looks the most Korean! That's Hannah, Amy or Amelia! Voting starts NOW!

1st vote: Amelia.

Monday, March 1, 2010

time's ticking

I'm uninspired. Dragged out. So many things to do right. So many right things to do. Right now, things are done on autopilot. I need prayers, faith and strength.

March seems to go on forever.